Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Why Google is king

So many search engines out there, so many people trying to nibble at Goggle's position, and yet Google continues to be the first thought when people think search. But not wanting to just blindly follow what we've all been doing I thought I'd give LiveSearch a go. After all, I use Messenger, Hotmail, and now also the Live photos and SkyDrive, so Microsoft are doing a few things I like and appreciate. But here's why Google is number one:
I have yet to see Google have this sort of issue. I had a call from the NSPCC asking for donations yesterday, and during the call they said that if a child can't get through, they may never try again. In the web world that is a well known fact; block your customer once and they're someone else's customer. Whether that's through service failure or just poor design and flow that leads to frustration. We expect, quite rightly IMO, these days, that the programs and services we use online will just work, and they will be intuitive, and they will produce the results we expect. Anything less is discarded. If you want to try make it in the big world of search engines (or any other competitive market for that matter), you cannot ever (ever ever ever) do this to your customers!

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