Saturday 22 November 2008

Job matching

I can't help but wonder about the state of job hunting these days as I am now in the process of trying to find work again. It doesn't bother me (yet) that I don't have work, but might do in a week or two's time if I've not had an interview or five at least.

What I do find interesting though, is the whole matching of candidates to jobs. Being a software developer it seem to me that it shouldn't be that difficult to match skills. But then I realise that that is exactly where so much of my frustration with agencies comes from. All too often I find myself talking to an agent who may be very good at the process of finding out about who needs manpower, and employing people, but knows very little about the details of the work we do. And who can blame them? When I feel at times like I am struggling to keep up with so many technological changes and new developments in terms of operating systems, frameworks, language updates, IDE updates and so on. And so the matching of candidates to jobs in careers that require constant learning is never going to be easy for agents, yet I cannot see how we could make the matching of agents to roles more efficient without them. I think we (employers and employees) need to work together in their efforts to bring agents along on the learning curve.

My two pennies are spent.

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